Hello! My name is Tom Donohue and this is my personal web site. I’m a blogger and tech generalist and I live in London. I’m interested in software, writing, and egg sandwiches.
This website is a place for me to share the things that I’m working on, my thoughts on side projects, and for random writings!
Currently my main activities are:
Tutorial Works, a website for developers and engineers, focusing on high-quality tutorials on cloud-native software, Linux, DevOps, and much more.
London Links, a curated list of websites for getting the most out of London.
Tom Donohue’s Blog, a blog with my older tutorials on open source integration software (like Apache Camel). This is where I’ve shared things I learn from my job as a software consultant.
My GitHub, where I share code and stuff
Knowledge Base, a general dump of tech notes and code snippets, which I update when I can.
This site is made with Jekyll.
Thanks for visiting! You can also follow me on Twitter.
PS. Why monodot? Because it’s an anagram of the first 7 letters of my name.