
Hello! My name is Tom Donohue and this is my personal web site. I’m a blogger and tech generalist and I live in London. I’m interested in software, writing, and egg sandwiches.

This website is to share the things I’m working on, my thoughts on side projects, and for random writings!

Currently my main activities are:

  • Tutorial Works, a website for developers and engineers, focusing on high-quality tutorials on cloud-native software, Linux, DevOps, and much more.

  • London Links, a curated list of websites for getting the most out of London.

  • Tom Donohue’s Blog, a blog with my older tutorials on open source integration software (like Apache Camel). This is where I’ve shared things I learn from my job as a software consultant.

  • My GitHub, where I share code and stuff

  • Knowledge Base, a general dump of tech notes and code snippets, which I update when I can.

This site is made with Jekyll.

Thanks for visiting! You can also follow me on Twitter.

PS. Why monodot? Because it’s an anagram of the first 7 letters of my name.